Even though I woke up late, I made it to church again today. The first service at 8:30am is the English service and the second service in Swahili is at 10:00am. The walk to church is about 10 minutes, uphill the entire way but beautiful. We’re studying the book of Ruth now and today was focusing on Chapter 2. It’s a pretty similar style of church compared to church back home with songs (mostly American worship songs…just when I thought I could escape Chris Tomlin…nope), announcements, offering, and a message. It was a good message today but last week’s message seems to still be on my mind. Last week we focused on the transition that Naomi and Ruth make out of Moab. Subsequently we were all challenged to remember what it means when God messes up our plans. Oh how I plan so many things. Basically what I was reminded is that God’s trying to get my attention, He has a better plan, and is ultimately calling me to trust Him. So true. And yes I needed to hear it again.
Sundays tend to be mostly lazy days with not much to do so I thought I’d take a few picture of the local sights. I unfortunately can't upload them directly to my blog because of the internet connection. I'm also trying to upload some pictures to a Facebook album but I haven't been able to do that either. I'll keep working on it.