I LOVE food…seriously if you don’t know that about me by now, are we really friends? Just kidding. But I do love food. So I was THRILLED to eat Kenyan food again. I don’t even know what some of it was but it was SO good. We get free lunches at educational conferences (which I don’t even get at home) so I’m pretty much a happy woman. One word: chapatti. And there was some sort of Kenyan beef and greens with rice. Mmmm...and Kenyan tea. I can’t remember what was actually taught at conference but…I remember the food (I think we talked about low blood pressure at one point…oh well).
It’s a very weird sensation when you jump into the deep end and you don't drown. Monday I staffed the outpatient OB clinic and was in charged of leading rounds for all the OB/GYN inpatients. It was actually FUN! I doubted myself in the beginning but asked lots of questions, called on my actual attending when necessary and survived. I took out an IUD, transferred a lady to the ICU after she quickly tanked due to a PE and admitted the patients scheduled for their C-sections in the morning. It felt like home with some limitations (medications here are completely different, STAT means oh 30 minutes to 1 hr later it gets done, and my favorite…if you need sterile gloves and there aren’t any on the ward, go over to the next bed and take it out of the other patient’s admit bag despite the fact that she already paid for it).
Speaking of a PE, in an attempt to stay active and keep my own conditioning up, I had a quest that I would run while I was here so that I could still manage to run my half marathon in the Detroit Marathon next month. Nope, not going to happen. I’ve never been in high altitudes before but being 7200ft above sea level kinda tires you out. I have a small hill I have to walk to get to my house and it’s embarrassing how winded I get. Bleh! I am still able to get somewhat of a work out here since there’s a gym at the local academy that we can use, but I may be running another 10K when I get back. To be determined. Hmmm…I should probably sign up for that. I’ll get on that soon.
I'll post some real pictures of Kenya soon I promise...and not just food.